Don't Dream You're Life, Live You're Dream!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Riva San Vitale, Switzerland

I have now been in Riva San Vitale for over a week and I can's even begin to describe the differences in life between here and back home. This place is one of the most beautiful and quaint places that I have ever been. Life is slower here, people stop to appreciate the little things and no one is in a hurry. Everything is closed in the middle of the day for a siesta and after 6pm don't expect to go to the grocery store.

We are staying in the Villa Maderni, each ceiling is painted, the tiles are over 200 years old and the balcony on the front has an amazing view. I share a room with Allison, we have our own personal balcony that overlooks the garden. Our room is directly off the classroom, we literally open the door to our room and we are in the classroom.

The Villa Maderni

The food here is amazing! I have not had a meal here that I have disliked, between the handmade pasta, fresh salad bar, daily baked bread and dessert every night I am heaven. Our cooks are wonderful but I may dislike them a little after my pants stop fitting.

The streets are so narrow that the smallest sound can carry throughout the entire town. The normal American whisper is still louder than a typical European conversation. The only sounds you here are the buzzing of motorcycles going 70mph through the town. After 10pm it is simply unacceptable to be loud, a little different than the mayhem in Blacksburg.
One of the very narrow streets

The town is surrounded by beautiful mountains and a gorgeous lake. Every building has character here, each door, window and balcony are unique but yet all fit into the personality of the town. My favorite building in town is the Chiesa di S. Croce. It's rustic feel and backdrop of mountains make the scene beyond amazing!

Chiesa di S. Croce

There will be many adventures to come but for now I am enjoying the quietness and simplicity of the town. I can tell already that this is the perfect place to study and I am going to have the most amazing time of my life while here. So for now... Ciao!!

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